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Interviews with Gyumri’s Birthright Armenia volunteers: Episode 5: Tateos Rae

Interviews with Gyumri’s Birthright Armenia volunteers: Episode 5: Tateos Rae

Welcome to the fifth episode of a very exciting project, in which I, your host Christopher Crowson, a participant of the Birthright Armenia program, am conducting interviews with my fellow Birthright Armenia volunteers. In these interviews, I hope to get our listeners acquainted with the Gyumri volunteers, see what they are doing here in Armenia and see what kind of insights they can offer us into life in Gyumri and Armenia today.
In today’s episode we are joined by Texas’ very own Tateos Rae. The Dallas native, who is halfway through his bachelor’s degree in animal science at Texas A&M University, decided that there was no better way to spend his summer than to volunteer in the stunning city of Gyumri. Being interviewed in his final week as a volunteer, Tateos looks back on his experience and provides some great insight into life in Gyumri!
Tateos tells us about the tragic yet fascinating story of his how his ancestors made their way first to Syria and then to the United States, his deep connection with the Armenian Apostolic Church, the importance of volunteering and paying attention to regional cities such as Gyumri and the valuable experience he gained while working in a local cheese factory! Tateos, it was a pleasure!

Gospel of the Day:

25 January 2025
No pray for this day

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Բարև ձեզ, դուք հաղորդումների արխիվ չունեք? կայքում: ասենք ուզում ենք գտնել 2016-ից սկսած որևէ հաղորդում ինչ տարբերակ ունեք:
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Asking Inch anel erb asum em patasxan tveq tvyal ararqi hamar
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Xndrum em dzer hamarn
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Խնդրում եմ մեկնաբանել Մարգարիտներ մի շաղ տուր խոզերի առաջ կամ սրբությունը մի տուր շներին պատվիրանը։Կանխավ շնորհակալ եմ։
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uzum em imanal mexqe pak varaguyrneri araj psakadrutyun katarel@
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Irakanum harc chem uzum tal, uxxaki uzum em shnorhakalutyun haytnel cer nor eterneri hamar bavakanin
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Im radio sirum em dzez es amen or hetevum em cer eternerin. shnorhakal em vor kaq duq duq poxum eq im or@ chem vaxena ev kasem nayev im kyanqneq poxel cer xorurdnerov cer axotqov. ASTVAC CER HET CER GORCERIN MEC HAJOXUTYUN TA
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